Quote of the Post

“This is the image from which he was born...... Characters are not born, like people, of woman; they are born of a situation, a sentence, a metaphor, containing in a nutshell a basic human possibility......the characters in my novels are my own unrealized possibilities. That is why I am equally fond of them and equally horrified by them......” -- Milan Kundera

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Well then...

So...for those of you who take the time to look at my posting dates, I haven't even been on this blog in about 8 or 9 months to even look around. I completely forgot it existed, letting it sink into the recesses of my mind until the only thing I remembered was the name "Character," and only because I've been writing so very infrequently that I needed to remind myself that I was making characters, and not flat, two-dimensional pieces of cardboard that pranced around on paper.

In fact, having taken such a long hiatus from this blog, I was moderately surprised to find that, coming back to it, what I have written down in two blogs is much less pompous than I had originally thought. Sure, the attitude could use some work, but then again, my own attitude could as well.

I have found this blog again after such a long absence because of another blog by someone named Casca, who writes the story The Life and Times of Caughlin Mare, a fantastic My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan fiction (yes, I am a shameless brony), and a link to his blog, here, on blogspot. When I tried to comment, I had to pick an account to log in on; Character was the default. Followed the links, led me here.

But enough of that; I know that if you've read and liked my other two posts (pompous or not) then you aren't here for my life story.

However. After such a long absence from this blog, I have a confession to make: I have a serious disease. This affects anyone who lives in the way I do. I have contracted...

Writer's Block.

Serious, story-halting, character-flattening, writer's block. The kind that makes you stay as far from a keyboard as possible because you hate the shit that you see plastering what you would call your work. I haven't actually contributed to my story in a little over three or four months now. It's been sitting on my flashdrive, burning (ha! it's about fire beings) a hole in my pocket for a long, long time. I probably have more data on my flashdrive as pictures than I do as literature, by twenty fold or so.

However, (and I owe this to the aforementioned Casca) I recently began reading quite a bit more. With the reading came more ideas, such as theocratic city-states ruled with--but you don't need to know that.

What you do need to know is that I actually intend to bring my own writing back up to snuff (and hopefully make this a legitimate blog in the meantime!)